Thursday, December 7, 2006

Our Ultimate Achievement

Humans have always been inventors, forever discovering but no creation is more important than that of the internet. For all other inventions have not approached the scope or the potential that lies in the internet. Walls that once held us bound, locked within a single community have been shattered. The internet is the ultimate library, instant access to knowledge, all knowledge. Don’t believe me than Google it. It has given a voice to the individual and brings together like-minded people.

The newest metamorphoses of the internet is happening now. It is the phenomenon of user submitted information, file sharing and user-created content. The iron bars of the Gate Keepers are beginning to erode. Individuals now have instant access to content and driving the market.
With sites like Digg and Reddit users are submitting articles to be viewed and then vote to see which article is on the front page. And with the additions to blogs where educated writers are given voices that would otherwise be sequestered are creating outlets that our drawing eyeballs away from magazines.

And file sharing has come out of its infancy stage and has started to walk. After blunders with Napster and the Kazaa, file sharing has become much safer. Though the record companies are crying foul, they still made their money and the artists still sold out concerts. But what file sharing has done is destroy how radio works, spur the creation of the Ipod, and give indie music relevance. And with the MP3 player came the creation of Podcasting.

Podcasting is a user submitted audio show. But what it does is create another artistic outlet to the individual. Now you can create something inexpensively and submit it to the world to hear. This is total freedom, no restrictions, except bandwidth.

The internet is going to forever morph and change because it is a representation of us. It is not a connection of computers but a connection of individuals and from our generation to the end of our existence we will forever be intertwined, that is why the internet is our greatest gift to mankind.