Monday, December 4, 2006

The Fissures in the Dam

How far has America come from its bigamist past? We still see ethnicity, sex and class first and the individual second. Why is there a big debate on the question of Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison swearing into office on a Quran?

We are not determined by our religion or philosophies, it is only a part of what makes us. Let the man swear on something that he holds dear, not something another man cherishes. It is the symbol not the tradition that a person must adhere to when swearing in. He is placing his trust in his constituants and working for their good in the eyes of a higher power. Congressman Ellison should also be judged by his work ethic, social skills and prior job experiences.

The ferocity that has swirled over this non-issue shows how the dam separating Church and State are springing leaks. America, please stop soliciting your beliefs. We, the collective individuals, are what makes this nation the strongest in the world. Don’t stifle the freedom that drives that strength and leave Keith Ellison alone. Stop filling the airwaves with non-issues steering time away from true pressing needs that our country faces.

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