Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Horse And Cart

There will be many new faces when the Democrats take over control of congress come next session but the dealings will still be the same. In the world of politics it is not who is best to suit the job but who is more connected. Take incoming chairman Silvestre Reyes from Texas, who will head the intelligence committee, was asked in an interview if al-Qaeda was Sunni or Shiite. He answered “Al-Qaeda, they have both…probably Shiite.” But the terrorist group derive from the Sunni. It is evident in the war waging within Iraq.

Mr. Reyes later admitted he “screwed it up and will…move on from there.”

Not sending the most knowledgeable and capable person into key positions in the government is creating gaping holes in our security that a tractor trailer strapped with explosives could drive through. The placing of friends in high places has led to the humiliating chapter we are now living. From Cheney and Halliburton to Bush and Harriet Miers these placements don’t work.

It doesn’t matter whose in control of the agenda because its still the same horse pulling the cart, politics.

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