Thursday, December 21, 2006

Death And The Creator

Death is around us. It’s cancer causing fingers lurk behind every crevice, seeping from the ground. Radon is a cancer causing agent that forms from decaying uranium which is found in all soil. That decay creates a radioactive gas and when trapped and breathed in high doses it causes lung cancer. The very ground we walk on radiates death.

Cancer is, by itself, an interesting anomaly. It pretends to be a particular cell and gains access to that cell. Once in charge, it multiplies itself at an out of control velocity. There are so many ways of getting cancer: carcinogens, radioactivity, heredity and randomly unexplained instances. And the only way to fight cancer? Use death against death. Radioactivity destroys cancer cells.

We race ahead of ourselves, sustaining our lives longer than what nature had in store for us and here is cancer, the agent of death, striking from Mother Earth herself. Is she sending a message?

The observation of evolution and the mutation of viruses shows that strings are being pulled but who or what are pulling those strings? The origins of man derived from one location but what caused the morphing of different body types, hair, dialect or skin color? Location, culture, or divineness? Culture could atone for dialect but not body types or skin color but what of the other attributes? With skin color our DNA could retain the memory of that blazing sun against our skin and mutate as we get older and then we pass the new gene onto the next generation. But why are we getting taller? It doesn’t seem plausible that a God or Gods would be interested in our height than it must fall onto location. Would that mean that the Earth is alive? If she is alive than we must be more cognitive to what she is doing and saying.

Maybe The Creator and Death are one and the same and right under our feet the whole time.

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