Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The weak gravitational wave in our 3D universe confirms super string theory and higher dimensions

India Daily Technology Team
Aug. 22, 2007

According to many contemporary physicists, two particles of identical mass attract and repel each other even when there exist no classical external forces and their average relative momentum vanishes. This quantum force depends crucially on the number of dimensions of space.

The fact that the gravitational wave is so weak in our 3D universe is another confirmation that higher dimensions exist. The extraterrestrial phenomena clearly show the existence of much stronger gravitational waves beyond the realm of the outer edge of the universe.

Black Hole singularity is a case where we can go close to higher dimension piercing through the pseudo conduit of our 3D universe. The intensity of the gravitational wave in the black hole is immense.

Hyperspace consists of at least ten or more dimensions. The gravitational wave is thousand times stronger in the quantum vacuum based Hyperspace of much higher dimensions.

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