Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Truth About Dishwashers

1. They do not wash pants. It is true that it would be easier to do the pots and pans and still do the laundry but this should not be attempted.

2. Do not use conditioner. Even though it makes sense that using conditioner should make those glasses have a glossy and shimmering exterior, it would be best to avoid this combination.

3. It does not eat food. Salad, sandwiches, steak and corn can not be digested by this machine.

4. Ten times around will not clean that crusty dried oatmeal stuck to the bowl. If it goes through twice, it is a good time to resort to the old fashioned way and find a sponge.

5. The bin on the door is for soap only and not for dirty change from the car cup-holder.

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